Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fell off the training wagon...

So um, I have to admit: I've been UBER lazy since the last triathlon. Moving to Boston, and getting used to the new lifestyle has been tough to get a training schedule together. Not having another event to train for doesn't help either. Today was my first "run" since I competed on September 20! I've been playing volleyball, but that doesn't help my endurance at all. I put quotes on the run because I was with 3 dogs so it wasn't a very good training run, it was more for them to get some exercise. I've decided that I need to jump back on the training wagon though because I feel really blah and out of shape. I also haven't been eating very well, so that is also going to change starting tomorrow.

School has been hectic, and now it's time for midterms so the finding time to exercise is difficult. I plan to go for a short run tomorrow though (30 minutes) to get my blood pumping again. I don't have class until 11 tomorrow, so I should be able to wake up early, eat a light breakfast, walk/jog with the dogs as a warmup and then get a couple of miles under my sneakers. If this doesn't work out for me, then I will have to force myself to run before I eat dinner. We shall see.

My bro and I had briefly discussed competing in a half-iron man next year. I'm all about it, but I really need to find the time to train!