Friday, June 11, 2010

No Half Marathon for this chick

On Wednesday after writing my last post, I hit the pool to get some laps in. I was a little disappointed when I got to the pool and saw that they changed the lanes around to be 50yards instead of 50meters, but I survived. I warmed up with some drills for 250yards, then ended up swimming 36 laps, resting for ~30 seconds after every 4 laps (100 yards). It took me a while to get into a rhythm, but once I was on my 10-11th I felt really comfortable with my pace and breathing. Therefore, I just kept going. After 40 minutes of swimming, I felt a little fatigued so I called it quits.

Later that evening, Heather and I did 30 minutes of Denise Austin's Power Yoga at Nargle's house. I slept like a baby that night!

Yesterday, I took it down a notch and ended up biking for 30 minutes and then doing some light core stuff (pushups, situps, etc). And today is my day off since I will be playing in volleyball tournaments all weekend. I made the decision not to go to Chicago this weekend because my best friend who was going to run it with me decided not to run it afterall. I also don't feel like my body is in shape to handle 13miles comfortably. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can do it. But it will be really painful!!! I'd rather ease into it to avoid overtraining and a possible stress fracture (that's my worst fear by the way!!!)

I've also been having some knee issues (mainly tendonitis) which is THE WORST right after I stop running. I iced my knees a little last night, and they are in no shape right now to go for a run today. They just need some rest, more icing, and a good dose of glucosamine, and I'll be good to go for my weekend of volleyball! Playing co-ed grass doubles on Saturday and Sunday with 2 great and super fun guys so I'm really pumped. I've never played doubles in grass before, but I think I'll be alright since I'm used to being slower in the sand. Let's just hope the weather is good!!

Time to get back to being productive, TGIF!

99 days!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swagger wins the GOLD!

Last Monday I ended up doing an intense upper body workout which caused a lot of extra soreness throughout the week. By the time Thursday rolled around (after 2 days (5 matches) of volleyball), my upper body needed some serious massaging. Luckily, there was a full training staff at the tournament so they were my best friends while working on the knots in my muscles.

Let me just take a moment here to brag about my volleyball team, Swagger. We dominated at Nationals and ended up winning the gold medal! Talent-wise we have A LOT of depth. We had 9 girls contributing to the win, and each girl did their job almost flawlessly to pull out an undefeated record (10-0). Aside from talent, however, my team is super fun and I am in love with every single one of them! We all get along REALLY well, and habitually laugh hysterically at everyone's ridiculousness and stupid comments. It was an amazing week, I met some great people and ended it all with a pretty intense celebration on Saturday night. So intense, in fact, that it took me almost 2 whole days to recover from it (and from the long trip back to Boston as well).

I've decided that Saturday was the last night that I will be drinking until after my half-marathon on Sunday. Yesterday, I went for my first run in over a week. My goal was to run 5 miles, but once I hit the 5 mile mark, I didn't want to stop. I probably could have ran at least 10 yesterday, but since this is my tapering week and my shins were starting to ache, I called it quits after 6.3 miles. As soon as I stopped running, I started walking back to my house and it was REALLY painful on the knees. I've been given some great advice to ice those guys right after I run, so I'm going to start doing that. I've also been slacking in the stretching department -- I can't tell you the last time that I did yoga! So I'm going to have to fix that this week.

Today is a great day to hit the pool and relieve some muscle tension. Also, I think an tall glass of yoga is in order for this evening!!!

Only 103 days until the Half-Ironman!!!