Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swagger wins the GOLD!

Last Monday I ended up doing an intense upper body workout which caused a lot of extra soreness throughout the week. By the time Thursday rolled around (after 2 days (5 matches) of volleyball), my upper body needed some serious massaging. Luckily, there was a full training staff at the tournament so they were my best friends while working on the knots in my muscles.

Let me just take a moment here to brag about my volleyball team, Swagger. We dominated at Nationals and ended up winning the gold medal! Talent-wise we have A LOT of depth. We had 9 girls contributing to the win, and each girl did their job almost flawlessly to pull out an undefeated record (10-0). Aside from talent, however, my team is super fun and I am in love with every single one of them! We all get along REALLY well, and habitually laugh hysterically at everyone's ridiculousness and stupid comments. It was an amazing week, I met some great people and ended it all with a pretty intense celebration on Saturday night. So intense, in fact, that it took me almost 2 whole days to recover from it (and from the long trip back to Boston as well).

I've decided that Saturday was the last night that I will be drinking until after my half-marathon on Sunday. Yesterday, I went for my first run in over a week. My goal was to run 5 miles, but once I hit the 5 mile mark, I didn't want to stop. I probably could have ran at least 10 yesterday, but since this is my tapering week and my shins were starting to ache, I called it quits after 6.3 miles. As soon as I stopped running, I started walking back to my house and it was REALLY painful on the knees. I've been given some great advice to ice those guys right after I run, so I'm going to start doing that. I've also been slacking in the stretching department -- I can't tell you the last time that I did yoga! So I'm going to have to fix that this week.

Today is a great day to hit the pool and relieve some muscle tension. Also, I think an tall glass of yoga is in order for this evening!!!

Only 103 days until the Half-Ironman!!!

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