Friday, June 11, 2010

No Half Marathon for this chick

On Wednesday after writing my last post, I hit the pool to get some laps in. I was a little disappointed when I got to the pool and saw that they changed the lanes around to be 50yards instead of 50meters, but I survived. I warmed up with some drills for 250yards, then ended up swimming 36 laps, resting for ~30 seconds after every 4 laps (100 yards). It took me a while to get into a rhythm, but once I was on my 10-11th I felt really comfortable with my pace and breathing. Therefore, I just kept going. After 40 minutes of swimming, I felt a little fatigued so I called it quits.

Later that evening, Heather and I did 30 minutes of Denise Austin's Power Yoga at Nargle's house. I slept like a baby that night!

Yesterday, I took it down a notch and ended up biking for 30 minutes and then doing some light core stuff (pushups, situps, etc). And today is my day off since I will be playing in volleyball tournaments all weekend. I made the decision not to go to Chicago this weekend because my best friend who was going to run it with me decided not to run it afterall. I also don't feel like my body is in shape to handle 13miles comfortably. I mean, don't get me wrong, I can do it. But it will be really painful!!! I'd rather ease into it to avoid overtraining and a possible stress fracture (that's my worst fear by the way!!!)

I've also been having some knee issues (mainly tendonitis) which is THE WORST right after I stop running. I iced my knees a little last night, and they are in no shape right now to go for a run today. They just need some rest, more icing, and a good dose of glucosamine, and I'll be good to go for my weekend of volleyball! Playing co-ed grass doubles on Saturday and Sunday with 2 great and super fun guys so I'm really pumped. I've never played doubles in grass before, but I think I'll be alright since I'm used to being slower in the sand. Let's just hope the weather is good!!

Time to get back to being productive, TGIF!

99 days!

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