Monday, May 31, 2010

10.3 miles. Woa.

My lower body was pretty sore after Thursdays workout so I thought a swim would be in order to relieve some of the achiness.

I hit the pool on Friday and worked on swimming 100m straight without stopping. I did that 10 times, and I had a pretty short recovery time between each set (>30 seconds). I didn't stop there though. When I got finally got home from getting work done on campus, I ended up taking the dogs for a 90 minute walk to Castle Island because it was gorgeous out. By the time I got home from the walk, I was ready for bed! I ended up going out, but called it a night around 10:30 because I couldn't stand in my heels anymore!

I took it easy on Saturday and other than playing a little volleyball on the beach with Mike and Liz, I only did about 30 minutes of P90X yoga. Then on Sunday, I ran 10 miles along the Charles River. It was a little rough...especially since I started losing steam at 5 miles. But I pressed on, and realized that once I hit 8 miles it was kinda difficult to stop. I probably could have ran the full 13.1 miles yesterday, but decided to let my body recover from the stress that I just went through. Plus, I was hungry and getting dehydrated (It was 80 degrees!). When I finally stopped after 10.3 miles (1h 44min), I could hardly walk. My knees throbbed and my hips were pretty sore. I walked around for about 5 minutes and got a good stretch in before taking a cold shower.

This morning when I woke up, I had some trouble walking down the stairs because my knees were so sore! I took Jack up to the park after breakfast, and that seemed to help loosen them up. They are fine now, but definitely think I should have iced them after the run yesterday.

I was going to take today and tomorrow off completely, but I just can't. So I'm on my way to the gym to get an upper body and core workout in. Tomorrow will be my off day since I'll be traveling for the majority of it. Can NOT wait to arrive in Phoenix tomorrow with my Swagger ladies!!!! WOOOOO!!!

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