Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Last bike ride

Very easy bike ride (10 miles). Well, it was as easy as I could make it with the wind in my face for the first 5 miles.

Here's to hoping my bike holds up for 25 more miles on Sunday!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saturday: Tourney in PIB

Sunday: 1600m swim, 30 minute bike

Monday: 63 minute run

Tuesday: Open Water swim at Caesar Creek Lake, followed by a short 10 minute jog (wanted to test out how well my clothes dry)

Will provide details later...

Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm moving to Boston!

Holy crap, it's been a while since my last post. Let's see if I can remember everything that I did. I arrived in NY late on the night of August 14, so I didn't do anything that day. The following day, my brother and I drove to Welch Lake to get an open water swim in. We estimated that I swam about 1800m. It was really difficult to get into a rhythm with my breathing, and I definitely didn't feel ready for the competition.

On Saturday, Dan and I walked A LOT while exploring the city of Boston (aka my new home!!). I also didn't train at all on Sunday because my Boston friend Nicole and I went on some more exploring adventures. As luck would have it, I was staying with Nicole who lives in a BEAUTIFUL place that has a pool! So on Monday morning, I swam about 32 lengths and it took about 23 minutes. It was a heated pool, so I felt as though I was overheating, and got out before I passed out. On Tuesday, I checked out the fitness center in Nicole's building and ran 3.2 miles on the treadmill. I also ended up walking a lot while apartment hunting. I got a glimpse of what it would be like to live in Boston without a car. It wasn't bad, it just took a lot of time and human energy to get to places. I actually enjoyed it, so I've decided to keep my car when I move to Boston, but only use it when I really need it.

On Wednesday, I woke up early and met my Harvard friend Jeremy on a run along the Charles River. I only ran about 40 minutes because it was VERY VERY hot and humid that day.

Yesterday, I had intended on going for a bike ride and a run after but the whether couldn't make up it's mind. Rather than risk getting caught in a thunderstorm again, I decided to save my bike ride for today. I didn't completely take the day off because I ended up playing volleyball for 2 hours.

So I just got back from a 24mile ride. It was kind of a killer on my way out because the wind was in my face. My legs were burning only after like 5 miles, so I had to switch to a lower gear. It felt like it took FOREVER to get to the turn around point, but on the way back it was smooth sailing.

Tomorrow I'm headed up to Put-In-Bay for my last volleyball tournament in a long time. I'm hoping to get into a league in Boston, but I'm afraid that I won't have much time for that. We will see. Then after the race (a week from this Sunday), I will be frantically packing and getting rid a lot of my stuff because I'm moving into my new place on September 2, with a quick stop in Rochester!

Also, Wright State has decided to close it's pool until September 8, so it looks like I will have to do my last week of swim training at LA Fitness and/or at Ceasar's Creek.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So when I got to the gym yesterday, I had every intent to run for at least 80 minutes. When I got on the treadmill, I began running and it took a while to get into it. I had some stomach issues, and I felt like I had to pee so it was an uncomfortable 20 minutes. I then got off the treadmill, and went into the locker room. I then attempted to run for another 20 minutes, but my stomach was still upset, so I ended the running and hopped on the spinning bike. I was originally going to bike for only about 20 minutes, but I ended up getting in a rhythm (of about 100rpm) and didn't get off the bike until 50 minutes later.

Therefore, Tuesday's workout consisted of 40 minutes of running (about 3.5 miles), and 50 minutes on the bike.

Now I'm off to the pool to get some laps in because tomorrow is a rest/travel day. I'm going to see my twin in New York! YAY! :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

So the day after the bike (Friday), I had severe pain in my left foot which hindered my ability to walk. I've diagnosed myself with Morton's neuroma, where the nerve between the third and fourth toe becomes inflamed and hurts like hell. It usually begins to act up when I wear tight shoes, or heels. I'm thinking the problem was the damn toe clips on my bike pedals, so I have decided not to use them for the triathlon. I took Saturday off too, for some R&R with Aaron. We went camping at Caesar's Creek Lake, and I brought my wetsuit in case we wanted to get a swim workout in. We never ended up swimming because we had the dogs with us, the beach we went to was rather scummy, and I forgot my goggles. So we came back early on Sunday night, and got a quick workout in at LA Fitness. I biked on the spinning bike for about 25 minutes, and then ran 3.2 miles on the treadmill.

Yesterday, I was feeling preety good after a nice relaxing weekend, and I swam 1800meters. I also did some research on gear for the triathlon. I've decided to buy "Lace Locks", which are these little widgets that go on your shoelaces so they don't come untied while you are racing. I've also looked into buying a pair of aero-bars for my bike, but I don't really want to put another $60 into it. Do you think they are worth the investment?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chicago Triathlon Anxiety!

Yesterday, I biked 26 miles in 1h 40min. Yeah, not a very good time but my legs weren't working at maximum potential. I think the run and swim in the days prior have made my legs feel like cooked noodles. I'm taking the day off today to try and recover a little bit, and get some school work done. Tomorrow A and I are headed up to Ceasar's Creek in Ohio to test out my new wetsuit, and do a little open water training.

I checked out the Chicago Triathlon on YouTube, and it's awesome. It actually makes me nervous just watching it. It's apparently the largest triathlon in the world, and it's just about full (8,500 competitors).

Check out the video here:

There's 10 chapters, and I've only watched the first 2 thus far...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mom's visit

Saturday was a rest day because Mom came into town on Friday night.

Mom, A and I went on a 28 mile bike on Sunday. We rode at a pretty slow pace, because it was a leisure ride so I didn't keep track of the time. After the bike ride, I went to L.A. Fitness to check out the place where Aaron will be doing his swim training. I swam with him and his friend Andrew for about 45 minutes and probably only swam about 500 meters.

Monday, I took the day off with the excpetion of a yoga session in the morning.

Last night, I ran 6.5 miles which took 65 minutes. Today I'm feeling very sore from that workout, mostly in my hamstrings.

Today is swim day. Actualy helped out my soreness. I swam a 50m warmup, 50m cool down and swam 1600m in less than 45 minutes. I'm really trying to swim continuously, but it's not working out so well. I am finding that I am becoming more and more comfortable in the water the more I swim. I've also settled on bilateral breathing. It seems to be the best method for me, and I don't get out of breath as much after each length.