Friday, August 7, 2009

Chicago Triathlon Anxiety!

Yesterday, I biked 26 miles in 1h 40min. Yeah, not a very good time but my legs weren't working at maximum potential. I think the run and swim in the days prior have made my legs feel like cooked noodles. I'm taking the day off today to try and recover a little bit, and get some school work done. Tomorrow A and I are headed up to Ceasar's Creek in Ohio to test out my new wetsuit, and do a little open water training.

I checked out the Chicago Triathlon on YouTube, and it's awesome. It actually makes me nervous just watching it. It's apparently the largest triathlon in the world, and it's just about full (8,500 competitors).

Check out the video here:

There's 10 chapters, and I've only watched the first 2 thus far...

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