Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Training Up to Now

So I've decided to start recording my triathlon training online because I keep losing/forgetting about every notebook I've ever started for this very purpose.

Here is what I've done since I've returned to Dayton (from Santa Fe, NM). This is from memory so things aren't extremely accurate, but close enough for comfort....

July 6: swam 700m
July 7: off
July 8: swam 800m
July 9: off
July 10: 5 mile bike, 25 minute run
July 11: 10 mile bike, 800m run
July 12: off
July 13: 1000m swim, 7 mile bike
July 14: 30 min. run

Things I've noticed due to training:
I can't jump as high when I play volleyball
I'm always hungry, and usually craving pasta
I sleep A LOT better
I'm more productive during the day

My run today was a bit rough because of my long day of swimming, biking and volleyball yesterday. Here's to sleeping well again tonight!

Aaron and I decided to sign up for the Finger Lakes Triathlon tonight. A is doing the sprint distance (his very first one), and I'm going to try and tackle the olympic distance.

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