Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When I started on my bike ride this afternoon, the weather was great. Overcast sky, but still great. In total I rode 20 miles, in about an hour and 10 minutes. On my way to the 10 mile mark, there was no sign of rain what-so-ever. HOWEVER, on my way back, I started to see some very dark clouds, and then the thunder came. I tried to book it back to my starting point (which was still about 2 miles from my house), because I didn't want to get Canny wet. (Btw Canny is the name of my new wheels.) My attempt to make it back failed miserably, and I found myself caught in a torrential downpour with 5 miles left in the ride. I stopped my watch, and sought refuge underneath some random building. I waited for about 10 minutes for the rain to let up some, and started riding again.

During these last 5 miles, not only did the rain completely stop, but I also managed to run over a dead frog, inhale an insect, get attacked by 2 geese, and get splashed by an incredible amount of water from the traffic on the road. Who ever thought to put a bike path right next to a road anyways? Ok, ok, so the part about the geese is a slight exaggeration. They only hissed at me, but it still freaked me out. At least this time it wasn't pouring on me the entire way home, like it was when Dan and I went for a ride around the town of Gates.

Alas! I made it home in one piece, without hitting any guardrails this time. I then decided to shower, and I even dried my hair. Then it was time to walk the puppies. When we started, the weather was beautiful. Partly sunny skies, not a dark cloud anywhere. And since we were just going around the block, I didn't even think to grab an umbrella. BIG MISTAKE. As soon as at the furthest point away from my house, yet another downpour came sailing through. By the time I got home, I may as well of taken a shower with all my clothes on- I was drenched from head to toe, and so were the dogs. Then once I reached my porch again, guess what? Yeah, the sun came out. All I could do was laugh...

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