Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I woke up before 9:00am today! And I didn't have to be into school until 12:30. I'm pretty excited about that, because I had time to take Jack up to the park for a game of fetch, AND for an upper body workout this morning. I was going to bike before my second class today.....BUUTTTTT I had to finish my cheat sheet (it was allowed) for my exam tonight. I didn't do that great on the test anyways, so I should have just forgotten the damn cheat sheet and rode 15 miles or so.

Anyways, when I got home, Heather and I did Yoga Body Burn with Denise Austin (~20 minutes). It was awesome. Now it's time for bed, and hopefully I won't be such a slacker on the cardio tomorrow! Now that my car no longer has a donut on it, I have plans to head up to Salem tomorrow afternoon to see my Otis. Then tomorrow night, I'm heading up to Cambridge to hang with my good friend Nicole. So I will have to workout in the morning if I'm going to at all.

SOOOOO that means I will have to go to sleep in the next 10 minutes if I want to wake up before 9 again! Time for some Terry Goodkind and snuggle time with Jack-O-Lantern! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Turns out I got a 94/100 on that test...I seriously thought I flunked that guy!
