Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dear Rain, Please go away! Love, Karen

Woke up this morningat 6:30 (AGAIN!!!) and did power yoga with Heather. Then headed to campus to meet a colleague and experienced swimmer, Hannah Banana Dean, for a quick swim lesson. She was very helpful and gave me some pointers and drills on how to increase speed and become more efficient. Thanks Hannah! I ran out of steam quickly so I was only in the pool for a total time of 35 minutes. Not only was I exhausted, but I was also STARVING. So I showered and went back to my desk to scarf down my second lunch.

All in all, a pretty productive day so far. And it's STILL raining. My poor dog hasn't had a decent walk in 2 days. Ususally on rainy days, I want to do nothing but sleep. Since I've been in pretty high spirits lately (because I love my life), I've been getting the proper amount of sleep (7.5 hours) and it's good quality sleep because of all the working out I've been doing.

Since I don't have class tomorrow, I'm thinking of doing a "light" crossfit/strength training workout at home after yoga in the morning. and then going for a long bike ride in the afternoon. If for some reason the rain does stop, I will fill up the air in my tires on my hybrid and hit the road!! (I'm not ready for my road bike just yet, and it wouldn't be very fun if the roads are still wet from the massive amounts of flooding in the area). I'm pretty sure the rain will not be done by tomorrow, so I will most likely go to campus to do this. Also, if I'm on campus, I can work on crossing off the 1,001 things on my To Do list for this week.

Thinking of doing a half-marathon sometime in June or July in prep for the race. It will either be in Boston/western MA, Rochester or Chicago. My weekends are pretty full this summer between weddings, bridal showers, bachelorette parties and volleyball tournaments so finding the time to do one is my biggest challenge.

Thats all for now.

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