Monday, March 8, 2010

Ok. So the Salem trip got delayed due to some car issues (flat tire). And I never ended up going for a run yesterday. I did, however, go for a 3 hour walk with my roommates - the Heathers - and Jack and Heather's dog Kaida. It was SUCH a gorgeous day, so we wanted to spend some time outside. We walked up to Sullivans on Castle Island, and I got a much needed frozen yogurt.

It was another gorgeous day today, and I was all ready with my swim stuff to head to campus for a 45min-1hour swim. That didn't happen. I felt like I needed to make the most of the weather. I ended up running for 40 minutes, and had a little bit of knee pain. It's probably because I didn't have time to warm up and stretch. I'm thinking I need to start taking my glucosamine/chondroitin supplements again to aid with the joint pain. But after the run, I felt AMAZING. I felt so good, and energized, that I walked to JFK/UMASS station instead of taking the train. It turns out that it's only like a 12 minute walk from my house, so I will be doing that more often now that spring in pretty much here! Although I'm sure there will be at least one more snow storm before the first official day of spring.

Tonight is roommate yoga night! WOOHOO!!! :)

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