Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yoga and Crossfit and Bike and Run

Woke up at 640 today and it was a bit rough this morning. I called Heather to wake her up, then took Jack outside. The coffee was set to brew at 630, so knowing that it was ready got my ass up and out of bed. It also helps to have something to wake up for (yoga), and a workout partner is clutch!!

So after some coffee, we did 20 minutes of Yoga (Denise Austin's Yoga Body Burn is awesome). I was really sore and stiff at the beginning, but towards the end I loosened up and felt a lot better.

Then I ate breakfast (power oatmeal with fresh strawberries and sliced banana, and a protein shake) and did some work while I was digesting.

Then, did the following cross fit workout (which I made up):

10 pullups (with assistance from my jump-training band)
20 burpees
30 prisoner squats
40 walking lunges
50 crunches on physioball
40 high knees
30 pushups (with legs on ball)
20 dips
10 Santana pushups (inclined)

Total workout time: 10 minutes, 15 seconds.

So far, I'm feeling really goooooood! :)

I don't have class today but I'm still plan on biking later, but I have a few errands to run and some work to catch up on.


Finally got to the gym at 4pm this afternoon. I rode the bike for 70 minutes (20.33 miles), and then hobbled over to the treadmill and ran a mile. This mile took me a whopping 10 minutes and 17 seconds to complete. Then cooled down by walking for 10 minutes because by that point I was a sweaty mess.

Now I'm home, just ate a good meal of multigrain pasta and turkey meatballs. Now I'm enjoying a glass of wine and I'm seriously about to fall asleep. Definitely going to hit the hay pretty early this evening so I can wake up by 630 tomorrow!

Obviously I'm going to do yoga in the morning because it helps to wake me up, but I think that's going to be it for the day. I have a feeling that after today's workouts, my body is going to need some recovery time. It's supposed to be a beautiful day (finally!!), so I will probably take Jack for a long walk.

Hasta maƱana...

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