Monday, March 29, 2010

Less than 25 weeks to go!!

Thursday and Friday of last week, I did nothing. :(

Saturday I played in a volleyball tournament in Rhode Island with my Swagger ladies, and we WON!

Even though yesterday was a GORGEOUS day for a long run around Southie, I didn't end up going at all. I woke up later than I had anticipated (10am), took Jack up to the park, made myself an awesome breakfast (egg white omelette with potatoes, green peppers, onions and tomatoes) then drove out to Sudbury (30 minute drive) to help my volleyball team sell food to raise money for Nationals in Phoenix in June. Then when I got home, I still had to write a 10 page paper on assessing ecosystem service value of salt marshes (with emphasis on political and economic influences). It wasn't a completely lazy day, however, since my roommate and I did a quick yoga session before heading to bed.

This morning was a milestone for me. I woke up at 6:30am and woke up Heather for yet another yoga session before she had to go to work. Afterwards, I felt great and ended up walking Jack, making breakfast, AND finishing my paper all before 9:30am!!! On the days that I don't have to wake up for anything, I usually sleep until at least 10. Even when my alarm is set for 9! Since waking up with the sun this morning, I've been rather productive with my time and just arrived back to my cubicle from the gym to write a quick post.

Today is a rainy day, so I spent some time on the treadmill. 65 minutes to be exact. I warmed up for 5, ran 6 miles in 55 minutes, then cooled down for 5 minutes. Then, I did a modified Kim Strother's ab workout (google her, she's amazing...and my idol.). Other than my ankles throbbing and my foot tingling, I feel pretty good right now. And it's only 3:30pm!!! A couple more hours of work time, then it's homeward bound to walk my baby boy in the rain.

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