Monday, April 12, 2010

5 Mile Race in Southie

Ran the Good Sports 5 Mile Run in Southie on Sunday morning, and was pretty happy about my time. Being allergy season, I had some issues with my lungs and throat but I had a great partner to keep me going. My friend and colleague, Paul, who I thought was just going to smoke me in the race, actually ran with me the whole time and kept a nice 8 min. mile pace. I was never one to run with people because I like to get in the zone and think about anything but running, but it was a nice change up and really improved my overall performance.

Anyways, I ran the 5 miles in 40:36 and I'm pretty happy about that. After the race, I ran some errands with my roomie and was feeling pretty great. So great in fact, that her and I decided to go up to the stadium and do an interval workout. Here's what we did:

2 minutes bleachers
15 pushups
10 dips
2 minutes bleachers
30 crunches
10 burpees
2 minutes bleachers
20 single leg deadlifts (10 each side)
10 inclined pushups
400m run

So yesterday was a good day and I slept better last night than I have in a few days. This morning I had plans to wake up at 6 to walk the dogs before yoga but since I didn't go to bed until 1130, I was in no mood to get out of bed when the alarm went off. I eventually rolled out of bed at 6:45, woke up Heather, did yoga, and then took the dogs for a long walk. Today is a beautiful day! I've come to appreciate the good days more and more especially after the awful rainy, cold days we had last week.

Now that I'm fully awake and slightly exercised, I can start my day of getting work done. I think today is going to be a swim day because my joints took a beating yesterday...

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