Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello ab muscles, I'm Earth. Have we met?

Thursday: Got to the pool later than expected so I only had about 20 minutes to swim before it closed. Therefore, I swam hard and worked on my speed in the little time that I had.

Friday: Biked 17.2 miles on the stationary (in 65 minutes), then ran a mile on the treadmill. Also did some ab stuff :)

Saturday: off day

Sunday: 6 mile run around Southie (~53 minutes)...gorgeous day! Then an ab workout.

I've started to notice that my 6-pack is coming along quite nicely! In addition to all the training I've been doing in the past couple of months, I've really been focusing on my nutrition and eating clean whenever possible. I had thought I was one of those girls who wasn't able to get a ripped stomach, but apparently I was wrong! It's really nice to see all my hard work paying off! WOOOO! :)

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