Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Making progress in the pool! Yessss

Yesterday I swam 26 laps...which is 1300m. They switched the direction of the lanes so that they go through the deep end. I like this way better because it's longer (though it feels shorter to me) and more representative of open water. Therefore, it allows me to know what it's like to not be able to touch the bottom. I also felt like my endurance has improved significantly. Previously, I had been breathing every 3 strokes, but yesterday I was up to 4 and sometimes even every 5 strokes! I've decided to try and get in the pool at least 3 times a week for a while since this is my weakest event...

Woke up and did yoga this morning, and I was feeling kind of sore from Sunday's workout (especially in the pectoral/shoulder region). The swim yesterday temporarily alleviated but eventually added to my muscle soreness, but I'm not complaining. I love the feeling of sore muscles because it means that my workouts are effective. Today is a bike day. I will probably hit the stationary at the gym this afternoon so that I can read while I'm biking.

I've also come to realize how much I LOVE cross-training and training for a mutli-sport event. I like being able to do something different everyday and I never get bored. I am slightly worried about my A.D.D. and the bike leg though because 56 miles will most likely take me about 2 hours to complete. I'm no where near 56 miles yet (my max is 20 right now), but I'm going to have to start upping my distances for each event here soon. I can't bike on the stationary for more than an hour because I'm bored by then, so I think it's time to hit the road with my Cannondale. She's in desparate need of a tune up though, and I seem to have misplaced my helmet, waterbottle and aerobar pads. They are all together somewhere, but I'm afraid they are in a box in the basement of my parents house in Rochester. I won't be able to get them until I breeze through town in May. :(

2 hours is such a loooooong time for me, but I will be okay once I find an outdoor route and a good audio book to listen to. I'm also doing a half-marathon on June 13 in Chicago, and which is less than 9 weeks away. I think I will be okay, as long as I come up with some kind of training schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible and use my swimming, biking, and volleyball for my crosstraining days.

Ok enough of this rambling, I have to get some stuff done for school. Later.

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