Friday, April 9, 2010

Stupid Migraine.

Wednesday was a beautiful day out, so I rode my bike to school to get some work done, then ended up going to the gym to ride the stationary bike for 30 minutes. I like the stationary bike because it lets me read while I'm working out and I feel extra productive! My workout wasn't as long as I wanted because I had other obligations. Before I went to the gym, I had a lot of nervous energy and anxiety so the workout helped to alleviate that. Then of course, I had to ride my bike home that evening and by the time I got home, I was a sweaty, hot mess!

Yesterday I took the day off because I had to wake up at 445 to get to a research conference in Amherst. It was also the first time in a LONG TIME that I didn't eat a good breakfast. I had a protein shake on the way, but didn't have time to stop for something to eat on the way. I also figured that the "free breakfast" meant something other than sugar-filled pastries and muffins, but I was wrong. Since I was starving, I scarfed down a muffin and couldn't wait until lunch time. The lunch that was provided was better than the breakfast, and relatively healthy for conference food. By the time my colleagues and I left to go home, I was hungry again (and exhausted!) and stopped at Dunkin' Donuts for a coffee and a bagel. When I got finally got home and was outside walking the dogs, it hit me. I suddenly got a horribly, awful migraine. I tried eating something for dinner, but felt nauseas. So I took some Excedrin PM and went to bed at 8pm. So with the stress I've been under this week (from training and work deadlines), a sudden shift in weather (from 90* and sunny to 40* and rainy), my poor eating habits and lack of sleep, the migraine was bound to happen.

This morning, I felt a little better but still feeling a little off. I'm debating whether to take today off or attempt to do a light workout. I will see how I feel in a few hours...

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